Inclusive School
A School of Diversity and Respect
“Those who want inclusion seek ways to make it possible, those who do not look for reasons for their refusal.” (Hubert Hüppe, Former German Federal Government Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities)
The implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which since March 2009 is also valid in Germany is a firm aspect of our self-conception as a school community.
For decades now the Kleine private Lehrinstitut Derksen has enriched and rounded off the public school system by teaching girls and boys and young women and men with the most varied forms of disability in regular grammar-school classes. In this respect the work of our school has been of a pilot nature. As far as we are aware, no other grammar school in Germany can point to such a wealth of experience when it comes to dealing with the challenges presented by such a broad range of disabilities and no other school helps so many pupils in an inclusive environment to the attainment of “Mittlere Reife” or “Abitur” school-leaving certificates.
The UN Convention describes the right of all people to full participation in society, regardless of their social or cultural descent, their gender, or their abilities. An inclusive school will not reject any pupil on the basis of his or her special individual features. Every child will be accepted, and accepted as he or she is. The school will turn to the individual pupil and will recognize each of them and support each of them according to their own personal possibilities and interests. An inclusive school therefore calls for a pedagogy of challenge and recognition. The resulting diversity requires all those participating to deal with the general needs of the individual pupil and to satisfy his or her special educational needs. It therefore consequently also means more pedagogical, methodical and didactic quality for all. It enables social learning on a high level and improvements in performance for all.
The differences between all the children and young people is something that we look upon as being enriching. The institutional structures of our school are based on this understanding, as is our teaching conception and our dealings with everyone who participates in the school.
The success of inclusion is supported by a team concerned in particular with seeing to the needs of disabled pupils. The members of this team are the main contacts for pupils and parents alongside the Pedagogical Headships, the social-pedagogical/social-psychological mentor and the Mobile Special Educational Needs Services.
Different types of disability which we have experience in dealing with
12/09/2018: Radio programme on Radio LORA Munich - talking about inclusive school"